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Soul Serenity
Myofascial Wellness

Sherry Brown, LMT


Let Your Soul Unwind in the Serenity of MFR




I'm  Sherry Brown,  LMT . Owner and visionary of Soul Serenity Myofascial Wellness. I have 22 years experience in helping people heal! John F. Barnes Myofascial Release - MFR for short, is my passion and specialization and it is my honor to serve you and partner with you toward your wellness goals. It is my passion to have Soul Serenity Myofascial Wellness be a true healing retreat in the West Sound Region of the Kitsap and Olympic Peninsulas


My Myofascial  Wellness Center welcomes patients from all over the region and the country to come rest, restore, and then re-enter their life with vitality, free from pain and restrictions. I encourage you to book a focused 1 week healing retreat, be treated multiple times a day and see the benefits for yourself. You will be amazed!

"You are not here by accident, and today is the day your healing journey begins."

Sherry BrownLMT


The John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach® is considered to be the ultimate therapy that is safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that last. John F. Barnes, PT has trained over 100,000 therapists and physicians, is an international lecturer, author and authority on Myofascial Release. He is a physical therapist and is considered to be a visionary and teacher of the highest caliber.

Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)


A well trained Barnes MFR therapist can assist you on your journey of letting life's injuries and traumatic experiences go, for authentic, lasting healing by applying gentle, sustained pressure, stretches and compression allowing for emotional responses and spontaneous movement as the body finds positions in space when injuries and traumas occurred, rather than by "set protocols and brute force" Healing Can Feel Good! 

Pressure Point Massage

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Your Healing Journey Begins Here


Open Hours

Here When You Need Us

Monday - Thursday 11:00am - 6:30pm

(by appointment only)



11:00am - 3:00pm

(by appointment only)

Saturday and Sunday

Image by Ferdinand Stöhr

Visit Us Today

To schedule an appointment, please book online.

Mon - Thu: 11am - 6:30 pm

Fri: 11am - 3pm

Sat - Sun: CLOSED


Appointment Times: 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm

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